his equanimous behaviour with others. When both these phenomenon get nourished, it should be concluded that life is becoming equanimous. For this very fostered disposition after translating into action, destroys the incongruity of the two way directions, of an individual to a society and from society to an individual and creates equality.
When does Equanimity (Even Mindedness) Manifest?
As the inauguration of equanimity takes place in mind there are two main inclinations of the mind-attachment and aversion. Both of these attitudes are hostile to each otherwhatever you like, attachment grows towards it. Attachment breeds delusion and partiality. Whatever you dislike aversion is evinced towards it. Aversion begets anger (wickedness), retaliation and causation of violence. Both these attitudes continue to keep the mind agitated and obstruct a man in becoming stable-minded and steadfast in faith. Agitatedness formulates and auguments heterogeneousness. When the mind is intemperate, vision also will be uneven and actions will also be discordant.
Hence, equanimity will usher in only when attachment and hatred are minimised. At the level of disinterested attitude, even mindedness develops, expands and gets refined. Partiality does not dwell in indifferent vision. In absence of partiality a determinative attitude prospers as to what is right. Equanimity profusely accretes with regard to quality and action?. If a father shows affection to one son and aversion to other then that condition is not an indicator of equanimous attitude. I yearn to observe cheerfulness in all the eyes and tears in none-when such an attitude deve
7. Vide Samta Jivan p. 9-12
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