Jaina Concept of Peace
Peace : The Need of our Age
We are living in the age of science and technology. The advancement in our scientific knowledge has removed our religious superstitions and false dogmas. But unfortunately and surprisingly, side by side, it has also shaken our mutual faith, and faith in moral virtues as well as religiospiritual values. The old social and spiritual values of life, acting as binding on humanity and based on religious beliefs, has been made irrelevant by scientific knowledge and logical thinking. Till date, we have been unable to formulate or evolve a new value structure, so necessary for meaningful and peaceful living in society, based on our scientific and logical outlook. We are living in a state of total chaos. Infact, the present age is the age of transition, old values have become irrelevant, and new
e not been yet established. We have more knowledge and faith in atomic structure and power than the values needed for meaningful and peaceful life. Today, we strongly rely on the atomic power as our true rescuer, and discard the religio-spiritual values as mere superstitions. Mr. D.R. Mehta rightly observed, "In the present day world with religion getting separated from daily life and spreading commercialisation killing
olence) has increased manyfold and sensitivity to (other) life whether animal or human has declined in proportion." For us human being is either a complicated machine or at least a developed animal, governed by his instincts and endowed with some faculties of mechanical reasoning. Thus, we have developed a totally materialistic and selfish outlook.
The advancement in all the walks of life and knowledge could not sublimate our animal and selfish nature. The animal instinct lying within us is still forceful and is dominating our individual and social behaviour and due to this our life is full of excitements, emotional disorders and
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