Biology in Jaina Treatise on Reals
could be there once only. And this has already been done in case of aphorism 2.4 from the aphorism 2.3.
The next aphorism is intended to describe the twenty one varieties of realisational volition as mentioned in the aphorism 2.2:
lesyäh Catuh-catuh-tri-eka-eka-sad-bhedāh 2.6
The realisational volitions have twenty one varieties as below: 1-4. Four destinities (hellish, subhuman, human and celestial). 5-8. Four passions (anger, pride, deceit, greed). 9-11. Three genders or libidoes (male,female, neuter). 12-15. Wrong faith, wrong knowledge, non-restraint, non-liberation. 16-21. Six aural colourations or aureolas (black, blue, grey, yellow, red, white). 1. The destinity is defined as the physique-making karma whose realisation causes the volitions related with hellish etc. destinities. There are four destinities. The hellish volitions are realisational as they arise due to the realisation of the karma of hellish destinity. Similarly, other types of volitions are also realisational as they arise due to realisation of respective karma of destinity. 2. The passion is defined as a tinged volition arising out of the realisation of specific karma of conduct-delusion. It arises in the form of anger etc. and kills or tinges the natural nature of the soul. It is realisational by volition as it arises due to respective karmic realisation. It has four varieties- (i) anger (ii) pride (iii) deceit, and (iv) greed. Each of them has a four-fold nature- (i) infinitely bonding (ii) partial vow-preventing (iii) total vow-preventing and (iv) gleaming passions. Thus, there are sixteen types of passions. 3. The gender is defined as a specific desire or volition due to the realisation of the karma of libido. The gender has two varieties- (i) physical and (ii) psychical. The physical gender is not intended here as this is the topic related with the volition of the soul. The psychical gender or libido is a self or
oul-volition characterised by the mutual desire for male, female or neuters. This is realisational as it arises due to the realisation of the male, female and neuter libido classes of quasi-passional varieties of conduct-deluding karma. [It has three varieties with respect to three genders).
The wrong faith is defined as the non-faith or non-predilection in the reals and realities sermonised by the Jinas due to the realisation of faithdeluding karma. 5. The ignorance or wrong knowledge arises due to the realisation of knowledge-obscuring karma. The soul has the nature of knowing. This nature is obscured due to the realisation of corresponding karma like the covering of sun
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