Biology in Jaina Treatise on Reals
Gurudatta individually. Thus, we will have the meaning of two varieties, nine varieties etc. here in respective cases. 3. The order of two etc. varieties should be related with the stated order of volitions in aphorism 2.1. Thus, it will mean that the subsidential volition has two varieties, destructional volition has nine varieties, destruction-cumsubsidential volition has eighteen varieties, realisational volition has twenty one varieties and the inherent volition has three varieties. Supplementary Notes 1. The commentary deals with the following points : (a) A total of fifty three varieties representing different volitions have been mentioned as per the order in aphorism 2.1. (b) The different varieties represent qualities of different volitions. They are generally non-different from respective volitions. They may, however, be different in terms of their classes. 2.. Some contend that this aphorism refers to the varieties with reference to the wordly beings only in order to safeguard the salvated beings. However, this does not seem to be correct. The word 'Jiva' in aphorism 2.1 involves the living beings of all types in general. Moreover, there is no rule about the existence of all the volitions in all the beings as mentioned earlier.
Now, the indetermined numerables two etc. are number-indicating words in the earlier aphorism 2.2. They are related with specific objects like subsidential volitions etc. These cannot be described simultaneously. They can be described only in order. Thus, the varieties of the first mentioned volition of subsidence are described in the following aphorism 2.3:
Samayaktva-cāritre The subsidential volition has two varieties : (i) subsidential righteousness (right faith) and (ii) subsidential conduct. 1.Q. The right faith or righteousness and right conduct have already been defined. How they could be subsidential in character ? A. The subsidential righteousness arises due to the subsidence of seven karmic sub-species. There are four sub-species of conduct-deluding karma- the four type of infinitely-bonding passions of anger, pride, deceit and greed. There are three types of faith-deluding karma- righteousness,wrongness and rightcum-wrongness. All these added make up the seven sub-species. 2.Q. How there could be karmic subsidence in case of eternally wrongfaithed liberatable (or non-liberatable even) infested with the realisation of karmic muddiness ? A. Their karmas are subsided due to different types of proper factors like favourable times etc. The word 'etc.' involves (i) pre-birthal recollection (ii) listening of religious sermons (iii) experience of painful karmas (iv) sight of
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