Q. 112.
Q. 111. Define 'Accommodativeness' Non-affirmative attribute.
Q. 113.
affirmative attribute (Avyabadhatva Pratijivi Guna).
That (particular) attribute (of soul) in which pure modification originates due to destruction of 'Ayu-Karma' (life determining Karmic matter) is called Accommodativeness non-affirmative attribute (Avagahatva Pratijivi Guna).
Define 'Constancy of Individuality' nonaffirmative attribute.
That (particular) attribute (of soul) in which pure modification originates due to destruction of Gotra Karma' (Status determining Karmic matter) and there the behaviour of belongingness to a high or low family ends, is called 'constancy of individuality' non-affirmative attribute (Agurulaghutva Pratijivi Guna).
Define 'Subtleness' attribute.
That (particular) attribute (of the soul) in which pure modification originates due to destruction of 'Nama Karma' (Physique making Karmic Matter) is called 'Subtleattribute (Sukshmatva Pratijivi
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