The Central Philosophy of Jainism--- Anekantavad 73
Nayavada and Syadvada have been studied threadbare both by its critics and adherents alike; of whom there has been no shortage over the past fifteen-twenty centuries. Shankaracharya found these theories full of contradiction (Virodh) and doubt (Samsaya). Others found in them inter-mixture (Samkara), cross breeding (Vyatikara), lack of comprehension etc. All such problems have been resolved and the allegations against the doctrine of pon one-sidedness have been ably countered, thus establishing the validity of these theorjes, by Jain philosophers and thinkers including Samantbhadra, Vidyanand, Akalaka, Haribhadra, Hemchandra, Yashovijaya, and many others. Any student desirous of advanced study of this subject can and may seek light from these great masters. Lately, modern mathematicians and statisticians like Prof. Mahalanobis have studied the subject in the light of scientific and mathematical advances made and have published papers which deserve perusal and study. Similarly the eminent scientist (Physicist) Dr. D. S. Kothari has shown that the propositions enunciated in the theories of Saptabhangi and Syadvad are amply vindicated by the latest developments in modern physics. Such monographs are valuable contributions to the discussions of Syadvada, though not easily intelligible to a layman-like the author-without proper guidance. Therefore the following monographs are reproduced in the appendices so that these become easily available for scholarly studies and further deliberations :
(i) App. C-Modern Physics and Syadvada By Dr. D. S. Kothari. (ii) App. D-The Indian-Jaina Dialectic of Syadvada in Relation
to Probability By Dr. P. C. Mahalanobis. (iii) App. E-The Syadvada System of Predication By Dr. J. B. S.
Haldane. (iv) App. F-Anekanta By Dr. Nathmal Tatia.
39. This brief discussion of the complex theories of Non-onesidedness, standpoints and Syadvad can be closed with concluding portion of Prof. Matilal's lectures which is reproduced below :
"To sum up, the Anekantavada is thus a philosophy of synthesis and reconciliation since it tries to establish a rapproachment between seemingly disagreeing philosophical schools. Jaina philosophers contend that no philosophic proposition can be true if it is only unconditionally asserted. They say that the lessons to be drawn from age old disputes and controversies regarding philosophic or
metaphysical propositions is the following. Each school asserts its Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only