( 55
free and fullest freedom is his final goal. The free man completely depended upon his free personal efforts, unaffected by any external agency, to attain his goal. His liberation or salvation did lie with bim alone and nowhere else. The central driving force of the ancient Bhāratīyans, Sumerians and Egyptians was Right Personal Effort. Their society may be called Effortive Society; their culture, Effortive Culture and their civilization, Effortive Civilization. Theirs' was the Effortive Way. We may, therefore, rightly, call the pre-Aryan society of the region, the śramanic (Effortive) Society and its way, the Śramaņic (Effortive) Way.
References 1. J.H. Breasted ; Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient
Egypt ; 1959; Pages 52, 55, 56, 418. 2. (1) G. Rawlinson ; Op. cit.; Vol. I. ; Page 136, Vol. II Pages
38, 31, 28. (2) M. A. Murray ; Op. Cit. ; Pages 330, 161. 3. G. Rawlinson ; Op. Cit. ; Vol. II. Pages 39-40; Vol. I. Pages 314,
314 Note No. 3, 319. 4. M. A. Murray ; Op. cit.; Page 165. 5. Rgveda ; ; ; ;;;; ;; ; ; 8,5.12.1 ; 6. J. Przyluski and Others; Op. Cit. ; Page 132 Note I. - 7. M. A. Murray; Op. cit.; Pages 165-167. 8. Tames B. Pritchard; Ancient Near Eastern Texts : Relating to
the Old Testament; 1955 ; Pages 34-36.
The re-organisation of the Tenets is mine. 9. G. Rawlinson ; Op. cit. ; Page 439. 10. Morris Jastrow; Aspect of Religious Beliefs and Practice in
Babylonia and Assyria ; 1911; Pages 149, 351,
353, 355. 11. H. F. Talbot ; Babylonian and Assyrian Literature ; Pages 117,
198 12. S. Moscati ; Op. Cit. ; Pages 31, 45.
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