(39) 'he doth not manifest his forms. He was neither the ‘God' of the Christians nor the 'Personal Brahma' of the Brahmāryans. He was the purest spirit of the Individual, good and blessed, attained due to continuous spiritual efforts after numerous mystic cycle of years. Then he became 'Single among the gods' and 'lord of the gods', 'god' meaning less purer spirit than the Purest but higher than the average individual. The earliest Egyptains attempted to attain this true and full perfection of his being. The purest soul was the self-existent deity. Thus we find that the final aim of the Egyptian was the attainment of full, perfect, purest and everlasting personality till the later part of third millennium B. C.
The full and final purest attainment was achieved by the self-propelled individual effort. What were the guiding principles of this individual effort ? The ideal life of an ancient Egyptian is best given in 125th Chapter of the Book. This chapter 'Hall of Truth' is very significant. Temples, priests and gods were a later growth. The indivi. dual at his death appears befor Osiris in the 'Hall of Truth'. The earliest monumental evidence of Osiris (Asura) occurs along with that of Thoth as alluded to earlier. Osiris also came to Egypt with the earliest immigrants under the leadership of Menes. Animals were sacred to Osiris. The original reading of the word Osiris is 'Us-yri' in the sense of the 'Occupier of the Highest Seat. The word "Us-yri' very intimately resembles the word "Asura' of Bhārata. The word Asura signified a pre-Aryan Bhāratīya institution. The Irānāryans borrowed this epithet for their leaders Agni, Indra, Varuņa and otherss in the beginning but after the separation, the Brahmāryans later abondoned its use for the illustrious, powerful, shining and great leaders of their Dāsa and Dasyu adversaries. The Brahmāryans were accustomed
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