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the priest, brought fabulous wealth to the entrepreneurs. International trade paved the way for the pioneers to settle in newly discovered lands and actively take part in the state life of those countries. Bribe and oppression gave them political power and ultimately they subjugated the countries they primarily went for trade. Trade facilitated the way of Capitalism to assume its higher form of Imperialism.
The British, the Dutch, the French and other minor powers of Europe established their imperialistic holds on Asia, Australia and America. The capitalists
Imperialism in Australia and America assumed independence from their mother country in due time. The materialistic gains brought from the colonial countries largely accelerated the economic progress of the capitalist countries. Their own working people also benefited from this wealth of imperialist loot and plunder. They also became partners and shareholders in the growing economy of their home country. The whole world was divided into capitalistic spheres of influence. Some other nations had also advanced in capitalist mode of economy. They wanted larger spheres for their growing economy and conflict within the capitalist world arose. Competition in production took the form of competition in arms. The rival camps violently clashed and first World War was the result. The vanquished capitalist nations lost their colonies and that event reacted very sharply upon them. That reaction led to fascism and the Second World War.
Capitalism was assuming a new shape in America. When the British colonies declared their independence from the mother country, they had established them
Capitalist Monopolism selves as capitalist power. The Americans were the greatest beneficiaries of the first world war. Their giant industries saw their heaven, not in competition but in
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