of the Kşatriya tribes such as Ikşavakū, Yadu and others; accounts of important personages such as Divodāsa, Sudās, Pūrukutsa, Trasadasyu, Krşna, Nemi, Bheda and others. Hence the historical content of the Vedic literature can not be denied even by the Naturalistic and the Symbolic interpreters. I believe that the Vedas and specially Rgveda, contain a history of their times, in a crude and perverted manner; and remniscences of some old events and institutions.
This study reveals that the present state of the world, doomed to materialistic self-destruction, is deeply rooted into history.
The growth of the Aryan Materialism, since Sramanic Ideology- four thousand years, is responsible at the bar The only Panacea
of history for the present situation. An ob jection is raised that the weak spiritualism that stood annihilated three thousand years back at the hands of Āryan materialism is not a safer way. It is true that the superior Aryan military might, with the horse and the newest weapons, and the steelframe tribal organisation inflicted crushing defeats upon the śramanic society. The śramanic Society believed in the doctrine of universal fellowship and never considered the Āryans as their enemies. Their localised republican institutions were unequal in social power in face of the Aryan tribal collective system. But the element of permanence underlying the spiritual system has given it a eterual historical role to play, and specially in the present times. The Āryan military might and tribalism have completely exbausted the peace and prosperity of the world. The Āryans are now looking to the "meta physics transmitted by the Indus civilization that endured;'>1 through the ages, for their protection and existence. The 'Indus metaphysics' or the Bharatiya Śramanic culture, earlier borrowed by the Aryans, is the only silver lining in the present materialistic darkest clouds. Communism is leaning more and more towards śramaņic spiritualism. There is a way out of this world death-cell but the people of the world shall have to change their Way. Sramanic ideology is the only hope of humanity. 10th DECEMBER, 1963
1. Mortiiner Wheeler, The Indus Civilization; 1953; Page 96.
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