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Materialists of the mountains. The process of absorption and commingling had created a new society. The Aryan society in West Asia during the second millennium B. C. tried hard to preserve its basic institutions of tribal collective (Gana), absolute kingship (Ganapati), the power of the Limited Nobility (Devagaņas), their military technique, institution of sacrifice (Yajña) and others but they were, in course of time, overwhelmed by the original cultures and civilization of their adversaries. Their adversaries had learnt the art of military warfare from them. A great moral degeneration set in the Aryan society in the twelfth century B. C. They lost all initiative, all courage and all faith. The original inhabitants of Assur, a part of the Kassite Kingdom of Babylonia, gained military supremacy in this age. Assyria became a great power about 1100 B. C. under Tiglath-Pilesar I. He ended the Kassite rule and carried his arms to the source of the Tigris. The Hittites had become weaker due to military onslaughts of the 'Materialists of the Sea' from the Mediterranean Sea. Tiglath-Pilesar defeated the Hittites and penetrated to the Mediterranean Sea.10 Barring the brief intervention of the Aramaen hordes, the Assyrian glory continued till the middle of the first century B. C.
The Assyrian rise of power was the culmination of the process of absorption of the two opposite cultures. Not only
Aggyrian the Aryan culture in West Asia was defeated
Reaction but also the Aryan military was destroyed by the Assyrian materialistic reaction. Assyria developed military power at the cost of her ancient spiritual traditions. The Sumerian ideal became perverted in the Assyrian society. The Sumerian ideal of inviolable peace gave way to Assyrian ideal of violence and exploitation. But a spiritual society can not absorb the best qualities of a Materialistic society. Assyria gave way to Aryan Persia.
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