The peaceful progress of Sramaņic society in Sumer and Egypt begins to disintegrate due to the impact of the Materialista Semites; the Desert Materialists. Fifth of the Desert dynasty in Egypt is marked by immense increase in travel and trade. Egypt was steadily increasing in wealth. There was spread of luxury among the lesser people. There was also spread in education. Egypt enjoyed ordered peaceful progress. The Sixth Dynasty is remarkable for trading expedition with military escorts. Caravans travelled to the South and to Punt.' Then the Dark Period of Egyptian history begins. The Sinaitic people, probably Syrians, were in the possession of Egypt in the first Intermediate Period comprising Seventh to Tenth Dynasties. Though there were still expeditions in the beginning of the Middle Kingdom (We may now call Pharaohs as Kings, not the republican leaders) to the land of Punt but the Desert Materialism began to react strongly and Egypt took to military methods Circa 2100 B. C.
Sumer had different independent republican States at Ur, Kish, Erech, Lagash and Agade. The ordered peaceful progress under the republican Šramaņic society continued till the Semitic Sargon of Agade, violently subjugated the region of Sumer and Agade and unified it. This even took place Circa 2380 B. C. Sargon, with his bow and arrow, achieved military success over his civilized and peaceable adversaries. Amorite Hammurabi won military success over Babylon Circa 1783 B, C, to be violently displaced by the Aryan Kassites Circa 1530 B. Ç.'
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