( 196 ) democratic homogeneous society without central authority but indissolubly bound together by force of spiritual ideology. The republican institutions reacted upon the Aryan tribal institutions. The Greeks remembered that those of them who first settled in Greece adopted that body of laws which they found already established by the inhabitants ; in like manner also those who now live near them have the very laws which Minos first drew up. The Greeks borrowed the institution of Ephori (elected chiefs), senate and public franchise from the Minoan Cretans4. The Cretan institutions of Koouoi and council were the forerunners of the Greek institutions of Ephori and Senate. These Cretan local republics introduced the element of election and deposition of chiefs in the Greekāryan genos system.
Morgan concedes that this right of election and deposition in the Grecian gentes in the early period persisted
Borrowing of from ancient times. Presumptively, it was Elective System possessed by them while in the upper states of Barbarism. Each gens had its archon, elective or hereditary is a question. Morgan missed the actual historical process. He wrongly assumed that the inhabitants of Greece of the Minoan race were the same as the Hellenic Greeks. The presumption of the Hellenic race in Greece from times immemorial has been disproved. The preHellenic elective system in Greece belonged to the nonAryan pre-Aryan Minoan Greeks.
Though the victorious three Dorian tribes were subdivided into the old pattern of gene and staitoi (equivalent to phratries) they began to re-orient their institutions from family to state. Women were being largely segregated from men. Though the framework of tribes, phratries and Gene subsisted, its political significance began to grow
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