( 191 ) 6. The supreme political authority of the Gaņa was centred in Ganapati. He was the supreme autocrat. But minor leaders, the Deva, also wielded effective political power, especially during the periods of national emergencies in Gaņa-life. Devus acted as members of Gaņa-council.
7. There was no election or selection of Ganapati. The best hero in a tribal war amonst the Devas emerged as the next Gaņapati.
8. Gaņapati assumed the name of his Gaņa. The name signified the name of the tribal collective. It was a continuing office. Various Gaņapaties of the same name presided over a Gaņa through the long course of history.
9. No religious rites had been developed in this ancient stage of society. The leaders were beginning to develop natural Magic but it was still in a nascent form.
10. Gana was continually in the process of growth. It was a self-acting military organisation. Widely diffused Gaņas were getting to be unified generally by acts of war. The strangers and foreigners, after their defeat, were assimilated in the victorious Gaña. No distinction was further observed and all the members, old and new, became inseparable parts of the steelframe Āryan tribal collective.
References 1. Atharvaveda 3. 30. 5-6-7 ज्यायस्वन्तश्चितिनो मां वी यौ'ष्ट संराधयन्तः सधुरारन्तः । अन्यो अन्यस्मै वल्गु वदन्त एतं सघ्रीचीनान्व: संमनसस्कृणोमि ॥ ayat gar ng at's #: Ayia utaa' reat' gafsh 1 सम्यञ्चोऽग्निं संपर्यतारा नाभिमिवाभितः ॥ सध्रीचोनान्वः संमैनसस्कृणोम्येकश्नुष्टोन्स वननेन सर्वान् । देवा इवामृत रक्षमाणाः सायंप्रातः सैमनसो वो' अस्तु ।
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