Spiritual System. Effort is the quality of the soul. Soul is iß. herently free and self-existent and always effortive. Effort, thus, allows no compulsion or fear. The society founded on 'Effort' is a śramaņic society. The word śramaņa later came to denote an ascetic, a Muni or a Yati following the Jaina or the Buddhist way. The follower of śramaņa was called śramaṇopasaka. But that was not the original meaning of the word śramaņa. Śramaņa, in its origin, signifies “one who makes effort or exertion with a righteous, spiritual view. The word originally applied to all the stages of life; householder's or ascetic's; Śrāvaka's or Muni's. I have not used the word 'śramanic' in relation to the ancient pre-Aryan society in any restricted sense. I give it the broadest sense. Sramaņic society is one that is founded upon free, fearless and right individual and social effortiveness.
We, now, enter the true Aryan problem with the second chapter. The life and thought of the people are largely shaped by the mate
rial environment in wbich they live and pursue actiOrganic vity. The location of the original habitat of the Critical Method Aryan people is, thus, of far-reaching significance I
have adopted the Organic Critical Method. So far, the method of research had been critical but inorganic. The linguist did care to know the conclusions of the Archaeologist. The Archaeologist did not joined hands with the other Scientists. The literat:eur did not care even for the conclusions of the linguist and almost ignored the conclusions of the other sciences. Their theses, therefore, became one-sided apt to be readily contradicted by the others. Archaeology goes very much against the Central European Home Theory. Anthropology throws the Āryan habitat beyond the frontiers of the seat of the Gramanic society; the region being largely proto-Austic. A coherent picture has to be carved out of
clusions of the various allied sciences. That is the aim and purpose of the Organic Critical Method which I have tried to apply in the scheme of this Book.
The organic critical method comprehends that the events be studied, possibly from all available angles, in a chronologico-dialectico-historical way. Customs, manners and habits; economic,
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