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1000 B.C. Morgan also maintains that monogamy in the Aryan family (race) was not permanently established until after civilization commenced 53 Circa 1000 B.C. Altekar is wrong in holding that the traces of promiscuity that we get in the epic have to be referred to pre-Vedic times." They may easily be referred to the post-Vedic times, till, at least, the Upanisadic times.
We, thus, find historical relationship of Promiscuity with Puruşamedha (Human Sacrifice). Puruşamedha was not only practised by the Aryans in Bharata but by their European kinsmen also. It was a universal Aryan institution.55
Promiscuity and Puruşamedha were the regular features of the Greekāryan Society. Zeus is the greatest Greekāryan god who may be identified with Dyaus of gveda. Then gods and men lived together. Zeus was father of gods and men. Dynosus and Herakles were born to him from mortal wives. His real spouse Hera was his sister others being Dione, Europa, Metes and Eurynome. Hera, separated from her former husband and bathing in the spring of Kanathose, like Madhavi, regained virginity. She could bear children even without Zeus. Typhaon of Delphi, Ares and Hephaistos were such children of Hera but not from Zeus. Hera, in her maiden state, like Kunti, had sexual intercourse with Eurymedon and like Karna, conceived a son of himPrometheus. He took to wife two daughters of Gaia, his grandmother, sister of his mother Rhea, Themis and Mnemosyne. Helena, the prime cause of Trojan War, was born of the illegal sexual union of Zeus and Nemesis. Zeus begot Leda wife of king Tyndarlos of Sparta, by illegal sexual intercourse, Kastor and Polydenkes. Persephone was born to Demeter, sister of Zeus, from Zeus who later ravished his own daughter, Persephone. Zeus coupled with his own
Promiscuity and Puruşamedha in
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