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The Greekāryans had annexed immense wealth and rich lands from their adversaries whom they reduced to the status of serfdom, the status of a Vedic Dasa. The conquered land was divided among the various genos or tribes. The soil did not become the private property of the individual. The land was inalienable. The land belonged to the whole community but not to any particular member20. Brahmaryans under the leadership of Indra and other Ganapatis similarly obtain lands and riches already alluded to. Economic activity, both of the Greekāryans and the Brahmaryans, was tribal. We thus find the very basis of the institution of Yajña, the economic tribal activity, in its origin, in the most ancient past is based clearly on violence and exploitation in their rudest form.
1. Rgveda
व॒नोति हि सुन्वन्क्षयं परीणसः सुन्वा॒नो हि । ष्मा॒ यज॒त्यव॒ द्विषो' देवानामव॒ द्विषः ॥ सु॒न्वा॒न इरिसषासति स॒हस्रा ' वा॒ज्यवृ॑तः । सुनवानायेन्द्रो' ददा स्या॒भुवं॑ र॒यिं ददात्या॒भुव॑म् ।। 2. Rgveda
3. Rgveda
4. Rgveda
गोम' अग्नेऽव॑म अ॒श्ववे॑ य॒ज्ञो नृ॒वत्स॑सा॒ सद॒मद॑प्रमृष्यः । sara षो असुर प्रजावन्दी॒र्घौ र॒यिः पृ॑थि॒बुध्नः स॒मावा'न् ॥
5. Rgveda
6. Rgveda
इ॒मं य॒ज्ञं वन' घा अग्न उ॒शन्यं त॑ सा॒नो जु॑हुते ह॒विष्मान् । भ॒रद्वाजेषु दधिषे सुवृ॒क्तिमवीर्वाज॑स्य॒ गध्येस्य सातौ ॥ 7. Rgveda
श्रुष्टी वां' य॒ज्ञ उद्य॑तः स॒जोगा' मनुष्वदुवृक्तर्बहिषे यज॑ध्यै । आ य इन्द्रावरु॑णावि॒षे अ॒द्य म॒हे सु॒म्नाय॑ म॒ह आव॒वत॑त् ॥
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