( 152 ) Nābhāka. Both these Suktas, except the last Rc in the later Sukta, contain the refrain "May all our adversaries perish." This proves the high importance of Agni in winning wars. Commander Agni is only next to Indra in Rgvedic society. Weapon Agni is the most important of all weapons to destroy the Aryan adversaries.
Archaeology corroborates this importance of Agni as a weapon. Greekāryans' invasions were very violent and they
w used very profusely the fire-weapons in Archæological Evidence of Agni battles. At Mycenae, all the buildings within as Weapon
on the citadel were plundered and fired. The Mycenaean residence at Pelikāla in Ithaca became a cemetery. Similarly we find the profuse use of fire-weapons by the Brahmāryans in Iran and Bhārata. Villages in Gedrosia were inhumanly burnt. Rana Ghundai III records its destruction by fire. The sohar-damb settlement at Nal was so violently burnt that its name sohar-damb meaning 'burnt red' still persists and stands testimony to Brahmāryan brutality and savagery. Use of fire in military operations by the Grey-Ware people who were none other than the Aryans in Greece, Western Asia and Bhārata have been previously dealt with.30 The Āryan military industries manufactured in sufficient numbers efficient and effective fire-weapons which gave them easy victory over their adversaries.
The military activity of the Gaņa was known as Samgrāma. Samgrāma originally means 'Assembly', whether in
peace or warsi as peace and war had not Samgrāma Military bifurcated in those times. They were activity
undivided brothers. War was considered the only means of establishing peace which to them meant only the welfare and prosperity of the individual Gaņa to the exclusion of the whole of the rest of the world. Samgrāma means, according to Monier-Williams, “An
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