We have seen that Yajña was the Aryan tribal activity in peace and war. The Samgrāmic activities of Military Activity the Gama was also known as Yajña. The
of Gaņa Āryans were experts in military science and they had big factories for the manufacture of arms and weapons. They had very efficient military weapons. Yajña is said to strengthen the thunderbolt of Indra for the slaying of the Ahi.' Here Yajña refers to the ordnance factory of the Aryans that gave efficient military weapons to them for the annihilation of their adversaries on the battle-fields. Yajña, aided by Agni, destroys hostile men.' Yajña here refers to the ever-armed Gaņa which is contantly engaged in military activities against its foes. This everarmed Gaņa goes to war under the commandership of Ganapati Agni or Ganapati Angiras equipped with fire and other weapons to destroy the enemy forces. The incessant battles with other groups ; before the Aryan contact with the Abi, Minoan and other races of the śramaņic society, was the regular feature of the Aryan Gaņa society for its preservation and growth.
The institution of Gana at several places in Rgveda, Atharvaveda,' Yajurvedao and Mahābhārata signifies the Gana means an sense of an Armed Militia. Wilson, Keith Armed Militia
itia and Griffith follow Sāyaṇa for their translations of Ķgveda, Taittirīya Samhitā Atharvaveda and Yajurveda. They translate Gaņa as 'a troop' or 'a Company'. As martial activity was the main function of the Primeval Gaņa; it was also understood in the sense of military organisation. The primary function of the Gaņa militia was to protect Yajña - the Ganic economic and
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