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Word Deva is traced to ✓ Dip or Dyut in the sense of a god'. Its Europāryan parallel is 'deiuo' 'to shine'.
Devas-the Its Avestan parallel is 'Daive' used in the Sub-leaders sense of a demon. It is also traced to „Dā.18 Monier-William used the word 7Dip in the sense of 'to blaze, flare, shine, be luminous or illustrious; the word ✓Dyut in the sense of 'to shine, be bright or brilliant and VDā in the sense of 'to give, bestow, grant, yield, impart, present, offer to, to give back. He uses the word Deva in the sense of 'heavenly, divine (also said of terrestrial things of high excellence).19 He is not oblivious of the terrestrial meaning given to this word before its celestialisation. The terrestrial meaning of the word Deva is a shining, excellent leader of men with a capacity to bestow upon them wealth and riches. Rgvedic evidence abounds in the terrestrial meaning of the word Deva.
Deva Agni is bestower of progeny, riches, dwellings, food and wealth. He is enemy of Rākşaşas, avoider of injuries to the worshipper, guide of devout men, slayer of Vộtra and protector of menol Agni sits alongwith men in the chamber of sacrifices, stands in presence of all beings, is the guest of mortals and is well pleased by the sacrifice of man. Agni is god amongst mortals. Agni is not a god over mortals. Agni resides with men as their leader”. Deva Indra rescues kine, lets loose seven rivers, slays Rākşaşas, is giver of felicity, demolisher of 99 cities of Sambara, slayer of Vrtra, exhilarates himself by drinking Soma, conqueror of the world8. Similarly other Devas such as Varuņa,* Rudra", Mitra," Maruts"?, Savitri*, Pusān”, Bphaspati,so Soma,91 Brahmaņaspati", Tyaşțrios, Nāsatyas', Aryamāņa,96 Aditis. Ādityas87, Parjaņya, 98 Vişnus! Heaven and Earth", also display human activities with human passions and sentiments.
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