( 129 )
Finchainment and his associate Devas had begun mixing with of Prometheus the pre-Greek men. Devas begot many children on mortal women. Zeus was father of gods and men. But Zeus decided to extirpate the whole race of man. "Prometheus, the illegitimate son of Hera, the pre-Greek lady who married Zeus, not by Zeus, but by the Giant Eurymedono4 opposed this move. Zeus had Prometheus chained naked to a piller in the Caucasian mountains exposed to cruel frost, cold and vultures. Greek islanders still carry fire from one place to another in the pith of giant fennel, and Prometheus' enchainment on Mount Caucasus may be a legend picked up by the Hellenes as they migrated to Greece from the Caspian Sea 26. Greekāryans, and Brahmāryans both remember the region beyond to the north of Caspian Sea as their Cradleland. This is the Uttarakuru country.
1. Rai Krishnadas (Quoted in) Jambadiva-Pannati-Samgaho edited
by A. N. Upadhye and Heeralal ; 1958; Pages 138-142 (Intro
duction). 2. A. N. Upadhye and Hiralal Jain ; Tiloya-Ponnati; 1956 ; 2138
2139; Vol. I Page 416. 3. A. N. Upadhye and Hiralal Jain ; Jambūdiva-Paņņati-Samgaho;
6. 2-3; Page 100. 4. M. Monier-Williams; A Sanskrit-English Dictionary; 1956 ;
Page 178. 5. R. C. Jain ; Origin of the Kuru Tribe ; read before All India
Oriental Conference, 1961 Session at Srinagar, 6. A. B. Keith ; Rgveda Brāhmaṇas ; 1920; Aitareya Brahmaņa
8, 14 ; P. 331. 7. Uttarakuruto agatamanussehi Āvasitappadeso kururattham to
nāmam labhi Papanchasüdani comentary on the Majjhima Nikaya; . Page 266 ; published by the P. T. S. London.
I am grateful to Dr. B. C. Law for so kindly supplying me this reference.
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