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Alakāpuri situate on the banks of Mandakinī river, in Badrināryaṇa and Nandan forests, on the peaks of Gandhamādana mountain, on the summit of Mount Meru, in Uttarakuru regions and on Uttarachala or the northern most mountain. The linguists may find out the phonetic relationship betweed Uttarachala and Ural as they have found out between Sumeru and Pamir or Kaśyapameru and Kashmir. During the long course of phonetic changes for centuries, t might have dropped first making it Urachal and finally ch might have also dropped down leaving it as Ural. Greek geographers knew Uttarakuru till third century B. C. They might have also known the mountains north of Uttarakuru. Ural appears to be a later adaptation of the word Uttarachala, The Uttarachala of Brahmaṇical tradition may be identified with Neel of Jain tradition and Ural of modern geography. Alakāpuri, Mandakinī river and Chitraratha forests are located in Himalayas. Gandhamadana mountain is situate to the West of Mount Meru16. Pururava, enticed by Urvasi, after his romantic journey to her original home, was brought back to Gāndhāra to fight against his own brethren for the kins of Urvaśī.
Arjuna, avatara of Indra, on the occasion of the post-victory Horse Sacrifice set out for Victory-All. He crossed the Himalayas went to the country of Digvijaya of Arjuna And Kimpurusas, arrived in Hataka country and Parikṣit then went north to Harivarṣa. That was Uttarakuru country. Arjuna went upto its boundary and accepted gifts there". His descendant Parikṣit conquered Bhadrāśva, Ketumāla, Bhārata, Uttarakuru, Kimpurușa and all the Varṣas and accepted gifts there1. Parikşit flourished Circa 900 B. C19. Aitareya Brahmana may be placed Circa 800 B. C20. Thus it appears quite certain that Uttarakuru was known as a real country in this age and the reference of
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