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white colour, round heads and tall stature. This anthropological evidence also points to the south Ural region in northern Eurasia beyond the frontiers of the Śramanic culture-region as the original Aryan Home.
References. 1. Rgveda. 1. 9. 6. 3; 1. 9. 2. 6; 1. 13. 6. 1; 1. 15. 7. 18; 2. 2. 1.6; 3. 3. 3.
3; 3. 3. 5. 6; 2. Rgveda. 1. 19. 4. 8; 2. 2. 1. 4; 2. 2. 9. 7; 7. 1. 5. 3; 9. 2. 17. 1; 3. H. Heras ; Studies in Indo-Meditarranean Culture; 1953 Vol. I
Pages 466-470. 4. H. Heras; Op. cit.; Pages 445-451 5. S. K. Chatterjee; Race Movements and Per-Historic Culture (in
Vedic Age); 1957; Pages 153, 156. 6. J. Jules Bloch; Sanskrit and Dravidian (Part II in Pre-Aryan and
Pre-Dravidian in India), 1929, Pages 37, 41, 45, 58, 59. 7. H. R. Hall; The Ancient History of the Near East; 1960; Pages 173.
174. 8. Sir Leonard Woolley; Excavations at Ur; 1955; Pages 50-51, 89, 252. 9. S. Piggot; Op. Cit. Pages 60, 67. 10. D. H. Gordon ; Pre-historic Background of Indian Culture; 1958
Page 35. 11. D. N. Majumdar; Races and Cultures of India, 1958; Pages 36, 45. 12. J. H. Hutton; Caste in India; 1961; Page 155. 13. S. K. Chattarjee ; Indo-Aryan and Hindi; 1960; Pages 45, 51, 53. 14. A. A. Macdonell ; History of Sanskrit Literature ; 1958, Page 202. 15. H. C. Roychowdhari; Political History of Ancient India, 1925;
Page 97. 16. Satapatha Brāhmaṇa ; 3. 2. 1. 23-24 17. B.J. Doshi (Editor), Dhanpala’s Pâia Lachchhināmāmalā ; 1960
P. 7-9 18. R. Pischel ; Comparative Grammar of the Prarkit Language; 1957
Page 5. 19. Donald A. Mackenzie ; Op. cit.; Pages 57, 147 20. N. G. L. Hammond ; Op. cit.; Pages 35-40.
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