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and others as Mşdhịa-Vāch, meaning "the speakers of Hostile Speech." The language that used 1 for r was the pre-Aryan lauguage whose script the Brahmāryns adopted. That language must have been the ancient Prakrit, forerunner of the Asokan Prakrit which was the language of the Saraswati Ganjetic plains where the Brahmāryans first came in contact with the people of the land. Satapatha Brāhmaṇa was redected in the Ganjetic plains, which, according to S. K. Chatterjee, was predominated by the Austric people. We may fairly suggest that these Austric people spoke the ancient Prakrit language. The comparative study of Prakrit and Vedic languages have proved a very close relationship of the two languages. The Rgvedic language had the earliest contacts with Ancient Prakrit.17 No contact of Rgvedic language with the Dravidian has so far been proved. Dr. Pischel holds, “The affinity of the Prakrit languages with the middle and new Indo-Aryan popular dialects is not weeker than that with the Vedic language."18 Thus we find that the Mediterranean people who came to Bhārata from the West submerged into the main proto-Austroloid stock and largely accepted their culture and civilization though contributing their specific features to the common stock. The Proto-Austroloid stock, culture and civilization remained the predominating one.
The origin of the Mediterranean race is a burning problem with the anthropologists. Sergi advanced his nowel Origin of the theory of the North African origin of the Mediterraneans
8 Mediterranean race. Some ethnologists incline from the Proto Austroloids to the view that the home land of the stock was Punt of the Egyptian records.19 It is also held that the Mediterranean stock came to Greece across Ægean from Asia Minor speaking pre-Hellenic language. This shows that the original fathers of the Mediterranean stock came
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