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2. Vedic Sanskrit has the largest number of vocables found in Aryan languages.
3. Aryans did not leave any literary records in the intervening countries.
4. Sacrificial rituals developed in Punjab.
5. Archaic character of the Lithuanian language is due to the unprogressive character of the people speaking it.
6. Evidence of flora and fauna is not conclusive.
7. Geographical data of the Rgveda clearly show that the Punjab and the neighbouring regions constituted the home of the people who composed these hymns.
The evidence of Mythology is also put forth. SaptaSindhu Home theorists, peculiarly enough, have not attempted archaeological, anthropological and geographical evidences. They put forth the geological evidence in a speculative and conjectural manner.
B. J. Tilak propouned his famous theory of the Arctic Home of the Vedas. He interpreted Vedic and Avestic myths in the light of geological and geographical evidences. He has also drawn upon the science of comparative mythology.
Arctic Home Theory
We, thus, find that the problem has been tackled with from one standpoint or the other but no attempt seems to have been made to judge the problem from all available We proceed to investigate the problem with the help of evidences supplied by relevant sciences. The above arguments would be discussed during the course of the investigation.
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