( 73 ) Morgan has proved the right of election of the sachems and chiefs and also their deposition prevalent among the
Pattern of Iroquois Genes in North America. Also the
Society use of Horn as a symbol of power and authority. It appears that the Horn that travelled to America with the Quatzalcoatl people came to be accepted as a symbol of power and authority in America which continued to hold its power till comparatively modern times though in a bit altered circumstances and social conditions. The horn that was primarily associated with requblicanism began to be associated with collective tribalism but that story is told later. We have no evidence of self-sufficient village communities, economic and social conditions of the people and the nature of political institutions in ancient America; still a hypothesis may be offered that people who founded republican economic, social and political institutions in Sumer, Egypt and Crete could not but establish similar institutions in America. The startling similarity of the basic way of Quatzalcoatl people with those of the vast Śramaņic society leads us to believe that they were also a part of that society and developed similar institutions in America. But more researcbes are needed for definite conclusions.
1. D. A. Mackenzie: Myths of Pre-Columbian America; Pages 265-266,
2. (1) A. C. Dass; Rgvedic India; 1927; Page 192 ff.
(2) A. C. Dass; Rgvedic Culture; 1925; Page 88. 3. Rgveda 1. 7. 2. 11; 5. 3. 8. 6-7; 7. 1. 6. 3. 4. D. A. Mackenzie; Op. cit.; Pages 257-258; figure 3 on Plate facing
Page 256. 5. History of Mexico (Mexican Government Publication ) Page 3
Quoted on Page 16 of Chamanlal's 'Hindu America', 1956. 6. D.A. Mackenzie; Op. Cit.; Figure faces Page 28.
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