84. His Divine Grace - Srila Prabhupada speaks out while conversation with
an army officer on 13-12-70. 85. R. Balasubramaniam, Ed.; Indian Philosophical Annual; Vol. XIV (1980
81); S. S. Suryanarayanasastri on the Philosophy of Shaivism; p. 149. 86. Zimmer, H; Myths and Symbols in Indian Arts and Civilisation; p. 54. 87. Rev. W. Ward; The Hindus (History, Literature and Religion); p. 76. 88. Sinha, B. C.; Hinduism and Symbol Worship: p. 135. 89. Chandravar, G. A.; A Manual of Hindu Ethics, p. 158. 90. Sharma, V. S.; Female Deities in Vedic and Epic Literature; · p. 52. 91. Zimmer Heinrich; Myth and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilisation. 92. Rev. W. Ward; Hindu Religion; p. 157. 93. Ibid; p. 157. 94. Sinha; B. C.; Hinduism and Symbol Worship; p. 49. 95. Macdonell, A. A.; History of Sanskrit Literature; p. 146. 96. Ibid; p. 92 - 93. 97. Rev. W. Ward; Hindu History, Literature and Religion; p. 163. 98. Gautam’s Nyaya Sutra; IV. I. 19. 99. Nyaya Sutra; IV. I. 20.; Gangesa's Philosophy of God by John Vattanky.
S. J. p. 4. 100. Nyaya Sutra; IV. I. 21.; Idea of God by K. C. Varadachari, p. 79. 101. Chatterji, S. C. and Dutta, D. M.; An Introduction to Indian Philosophy;
p. 212 102. Gangesa's Ishvaravada - Tattvacintamani; P. 246; Gangesa's Philoso
phy of God by Dr. John Vattanky. 103. John Vattanky; Development of Nyaya Theism, p. 39. 104. Chatterjee, S. and Datta, D. M.; An Introduction to indian Philosophy;
P. 248. 105. Gopikamohan Bhattacharya, Studies in Nyaya - Vaisheshika Theism; p.
82/83. 106. Sankhya Sutra; I. 92. I. 93. 107. Richard Garbe; Aniruddha's Commentary on Sankhya Sutra; p. 179. 108. Ibid; p. 54.
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