6. Vīra - O' Lord ! you are Vīra - brave because you have pierced the Gordian-knot of eight types of karma and because you remain aloof from the available and fabulously pleasurable enjoyments and are bedecked with the goddess of wealth in the form of a host of austerities. From the very first day of taking the vows, you have been free from mundane desires and have been venerated by the celestial kings. Therefore, you are Vīra. (15-16)
7. Parama Kārunika - O' Lord ! you are Paramakārunika - the most compassionate one - because your heart is full of compassion for all the miserable creatures of the universe and because all such static and moving creatures devotedly venerate and praise you all the time. (Verse-17)
8. Sarvajña - O'Lord ! you are called Sarvajña - omniscient - because even when dwelling in the Self only you know all the modes of all the matter – past, present and future – through your supreme and pure knowledge. (Verse_18)
9. Sarvadarśī – O'Lord ! you are Sarvadarśí – all seeing - because you visualise the general forms of all (past, present and future modes of) all the substances (as mentioned in the verse 18), situated in their respective situations, all over the universe. (19)
10. Pāragāmī – O' Lord ! you are said to be pāragāmi – transcended - because you have transcended the most circuitous cycle of births and deaths as well as all karmic bondage or because
ou have completely realised the ocean of canonical knowledge as well as everything about everything worth knowing. (Verse-20)
11. Trikālajña - O'Lord ! you are known as Trikālavijña - Knower of three times (past, present and future) - because you know all the modes of all the substances of the past, present and the
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