Ekānta ksaņikatā - Dogmatic
insistence on momentariness. Ekatva -- Singularity. Ekatvānupreksā – Reflection on
the singularity of the soul. Ekendriya - Unisensory living
beings. Esanā - Alms. Esanāsamiti - Exercising
vigilance in accepting alms. Evambhūta naya - Actualistic
Dravya adhikarana - physical
instrument, stratum or level. Dravya bandha - Material
bondage. Dravya bhāsā - Material speech. Dravya himsā - Material
violence, actual violence as
opposed to violent thoughts. Dravya linga - Material
appearance (of an ascetic). Dravya mana - Material mind. Dravya veda - Maerial feeling. Dravyadrsti - Material- outlook. Dravyārthika naya - Material
standpoint. Dravyendriya - Physical sense
organ. Dhruva - Permanent, eternal,
beginningless and endless.. Duhukha - Suffering, pain. Duhusvara - Noise. Durgandha - Bad or foul odour/
smell. Duspakva - Ilcooked. Duspramārjita - Illswept. Dvîndriya - Bisensory living
beings. Dvīpa-samudra - Continents and
oceans. Dvayanuka (skandha, - Biatomic
aggregate. Dvesa - Hatred. Dvicarama - Penultimate
Gana - A group of monks under
one master. Gandha - Smell, odour. Gandharva - Musician gods. Garbha-janma - Birth from a
womb. Gati - Motion, destiny, types of
birth - hellish, heavenly,
human and sub-human. Ghana – Dense. Ghanāmbu - Heavy water. Ghanavāta - Dense air. Ghanodadhi - Ocean of heavy
water. Ghātikarma - Destructive or
obstructive karma. Ghrāna - Smell. Glāna - Invalid, ailing. . Gomütrikāgati - Crooked motion Gotra - Status Gihasthalinga - House holder
appearance. Graha - Planet.
Ekānta - One sided, single
faceted, dogmatic.
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