To quote an American Jain from his delightfully reflective poem:
"The trees were dancing gaily in the breeze, Why do you so dance?
O Tree? I asked" Nodding their foliage merrily, they replied: . "We bore the searing heat of the sun,
Giving shade to the weary traveler and the dropping bird, We readily offered our fruit to the hungry; Should we not dance now?
Happy in the fulfillment of fortitude and compassion."
In the contemporary world, humans have grossly neglected their responsibility towards nature and other living beings.
Despite prohibition by United Nations and wide ranging national laws and international conventions global trade in vanishing exotic species like apes, sea turtles, giant pandas cheetahs and elephants is running at almost US$ ten billion a year next only to illicit trade in drugs and arms, Cyanide is being sprayed in coral waters to scoop up tropical fish.
Fur farms breed confine, strangle or asphyxiate foxes, minks and rabbits, Cosmetic industries squeeze or scrape openings near the reproductive organs for perfumes, which harpoon whales for lipsticks, rouge and other products, which kill musk deer far scent. This involves enormous cruelty, violence and environmental devastation and to what end? - For use in fancy restaurants as rare menu items, for use as pets or for use in zoos and circuses or for luxurious cosmetic consumption! We talk of human rights day in and day out but choose to turn a blind eye to the rights of the mute animals!!
Mexican conservationist Homes Ardjes says:
"We are killing the masterpieces of life on the planet and destroying life support system".
Ahimsa: The Ultimate Winner
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