rate the basics to almost all possibilities. The applied forin of this detailed study is dependent on many extraneous factors and should be continuously reformed.
It is generally believed that philosophy is something beyond the normal social activities; it is abstract and has to be pursued by academicians or individuals away from the society. The philosophical principles are said to be impractical and useless for success in worldly life. Jainism and other philosophies, which stress more on Ahimsa, have been termed as impractical and to be followed only by those who want to be away from the society for meditation.
This appears to be a twisted way of putting things; an effort towards isolating a group of people from the mainstream just because they are windows to the truth, which is often bitter. Philosophy is an integral part of any form of human society. Any attempt to isolate and term it as a subject for a few is making but a dangerous fallacy. It is an inseparable part of human life and plays pivotal role in the march of humanity towards the destiny it chooses. What we term as practical or worldly is itself derived from the philosophical thoughts. Philosophy is a conception and what we term as practical way of life is but the applied form of philosophy.
Ahimsa, as defined and elaborated by Jains, is a universally applicable concept. It is not something esoteric like higher yogic practices or meditation done in extreme isolation. It can be practiced in every walk of life by simple adaptation.
In order to fully comprehend the Jain concept of Ahimsa we will have to proceed step by step, beginning with the Jain definition of life.
AHIMSA: THE SCIENCE OF PEACE 9 Jain Education International
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