only pronounces on people are IX 331 where he confirms that Devāṇandā is his real mother and XIV 71 where he says that Goy. has been his friend and disciple during an uninterrupted series of existences and will after his present life be his equal, viz as a liberated being. Unique in its kind is also VII 92-3. The chief interest of these texts, I think, is that we learn from them that in the rivalry between Kūņiya of Magadha (Mv.'s grandnephew) and Ceḍaga of Vesāli (Mv.'s uncle) the Lord clearly sympathized with the latter. 32
§ 18. Refutation of the Dissidents. Two fragments mentioned a little while ago, XVIII 74 and 82, lead us to that interesting group of texts the common theme of which is the refutation of dissidents (annautthiya33, parautthiya). In the Conspectus § 22 these texts have been indicated with the letter A.
Unfortunately the scene of the disputes invariably is Ray. and only two texts, VII 101 and XVIII 74, mention the names of the opponents. In both places a group of dissidents (eleven names), failing to understand certain inferences of Mv.'s views regarding the fundamental entities (atthikaya)—the same inferences since XVIII 74 refers to VII 10-, question Goy. resp. the layman Madduya on that topic. Goy. only tells them to find for themselves the truth of the Jaina doctrine while Madduya shows them, with a few similes, that things not seen by imperfect people may be true all the same. In VII 101 Mv. afterwards enlightens the group on the real tenor of his teachings and Kalodai, the leader of the group, is converted. This implies that the event reported in VII 101 must have taken place after the one told in XVIII 74. Kālodāi and his friends probably were Ajiviyas, cf. VIII 53 comm.
Adel fand er stets seine Stütze, und den Gläubigen in den alten Geschlechtern sagte er Erlösung oder Götterdasein voraus (XX 8).'
31 On this text and its connection with V 42 sec SCHUBRING, ibid. p. 20; also cf. § 19 below.
32 On these texts, esp. on the light they derive from the Nirayavaliyão (Uvanga 8), see the AUTHOR's Nir., p. 87 seqq.
33 annautthiya = anyayuthika, Abhay. or rather anyatirthika, Pischel 58.
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