which Jambudd. I-VI have been incorporated, refers to this developed text.
b) Viy. VIII 85 (serving, in the Viy., as an introduction to IX 1-2 just mentioned!) is identical with Jambudd. 458b-463b. At the end the Viy. text refers to Jiv. 345b where, indeed, once more a fragment of Jambudd. has been repeated.
c) Viy. V 11-3 and 101-3 = Jambudd. 480a or, rather, Jambudd. here refers to Viy. V, adding that here, in fact, we have a 'summary' (vatthu-samāsa) of the whole Sūra- and Candapannattis as far as Jambuddiva is concerned. Viy. V 14 and 104 develop the same topic with regard to the other continents and oceans of Samayakhetta.
d) The paragraph on the wives of the astral gods, Viy. X 5" (referred to and further developed in XII 63) is identical with Jambudd. 532b-533a but again refers to Jiv. 383a where this Jambudd.-text has been repeated.
$ 13. Only seven references are left now. They are: V 53 (ref. to Samav.), XI go and XIV 83 (ref. to Uvav.), VIII 23.6 and XXV 3° (ref. to Nandī), V 48 and XVII 14 (ref. to Aņuog.). Unlike the references discussed in the preceding paragraphs they all are comparatively short interpolations with a more or less fortuitous and isolated character. It may be noted that only the two Uvav.-texts are dialogues between Mv. and Goy.; except V 48, though, all have been adapted as such in the Viy.
$ 14. Consequently, in answer to the question raised in § 9 we may say that, in substance, the 'references' amount to the incorporation of practically the integral text of the three great secondary pannattis--Pannav., Jiv. (with the interpolation Div.) and Jambudd. (with the so-called 'summaries' of Sūra- and Candapannatti)—into the body of the Viy., i.e. the pannatti par excellence. Our second question then must be: how did this incorporation come about, scil. which were the main principles underlying the distribution of these references all over the Viy.? At this moment, however, we can consider only the aspects of the question that specifically regard the references. Generally speaking, indeed, references have been used in the composition
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