(bāyara) species in this case is found only in man's world (manussa-khetta), cf. VI 81. The same three transitions, however, are possible here too in three cases: (9559) Al dying on the eastern border of Rayaņappabhā and becoming coarse fire-beings in Maņussa-(also called Samaya-)khetta, (955b4) coarse firebeings dying in Maņussa-khetta and becoming Al on the western border of Rayaņappabhā, and (955b8) coarse fire-beings dying and becoming coarse fire-beings in Manussa-khetta. The place of these beings in Maņussa-khetta is not indicated.
e (956a2: read apajjatta-suhuma-pudhavi-kāie nam ...) The same four hundred cases (savva-paesu vi) are possible if the beings move from West to East (or, in the case of coarse fire-beings, from the West of Rayaņappabhā to Samaya-khetta etc.).
(956a7: evam eeņam gamaenam ...) The same (b, d, e above) is true if the direction is S. to N. or N. to S.
8 (956ag: apajjatta- etc.) The same (b, d, e, f above) is true for Al moving in these four directions from one border to the opposite border of the lower hells, Sakkarappabhā etc. Souls, however, that live on some border of these hells and which must embody themselves anew in coarse fire-beings are obliged to go to the Samaya-khetta. This they can do only by a once deflected or a twice deflected course lasting two resp. three samayas. The same is true if coarse fire-beings must embody themselves in Al living on some border of Sakkarappabhā etc.
The caus. samohanāvetta (955b11) is rather curious.-955b ult. read pajjatta-bāyara-vaņassai-käie.-viggaha usually means a 'deflected course' (vakra-gati). Our text, however, also speaks of an ega-samaiya viggaha in which case it simply means a 'transition' (višişta-sthāna-prāpti-hetu-bhūtā gatir, Abhay.); cf. also Tattv. II 26 seqq.
2 (957a) a If an undeveloped fine earth-being dying in some place outside the 'tube' in the nether world (aholoya-khetta-nālie bāhirille khette) must be reborn as a being of the same species in some place outside the 'tube' in the upper world, its transition takes three samayas if the starting-place and the place of destination when projected on one plane are situated on a straight line (ega-payarammi anu-sedhie); it takes four samayas if they are situated on different lines (viseờhie).
nāli: trasa-nādi, Abhay.; see Lehre par. 95.--In its explanation of the
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