secondary pannatti on rebirths in the vegetal world better integrated in the body of the Viy., while on the other hand XX 10 itself, with its numerous calculations, may have been added to XX exactly for the purpose of introducing the appendix XXI seqq. Probably even XX 9 originally did not belong to the Viy. (see below, note 24) and as a matter of fact no connection whatever can be traced between udd. 8 and 9 or 10, nor between 9 and 10. Considering these facts one cannot help feeling that the solemn proclamations on the Lore and the Tīrthankaras in XX 8 would appropriately serve the purpose of concluding a work like the Viy.
As to the contents of the different udd. of XXV we can make the following observations:
a) 8-12 clearly introduce XXXI seqq.;
b) 6 and 71 present all the characteristic features of a secondary pannatti while 72 is a collection of quotations from Thāṇa and Uvav. loosely connected with 71 by the common term padisevaņā 'transgression';
c) we find other more or less systematical expositions in 31-7 and 41-3.7 dealing with two topics (sedhi and jumma) that will play a leading role in XXXI seqq.; moreover, 48-9 is a repetition of V 73.5. Consequently all these udd. might be accretions.
There are, however, as I stated above, also a few facts that will have to be explained if one prefers to regard the whole of XXV as a secondary saya added to XXI-XXIV as a transition to XXVI seqq.
Udd. 1, 2 and 5, for one thing, contrast with the more homogeneously constructed udd. just mentioned. They have the composite build of most of the nucleus udd. Moreover, even if one considers the absence in XXV of the particular dialogues, annautthiya-texts, conversion stories etc. that are typical for the nucleus sayas (see $$ 17-20 below), and advances this as an argument against the originality of that saya, one must also take into account that-in contradistinction to the obvious accretions XXI-XXIV and XXVI seqq.-it does contain certain 'important' references. In $$ 10 and 11 we shall find that certain references in XXV (viz 310, 42.4, 51.3) are indispensable parts of a well
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