separation of atoms [described in a above]: eesi nam paramânupoggalāņam sāhanaņā-bheyânuvāenam anantânantā poggalapariyattā samanugantavvā bhavantîi-m-akkhāyā. Atomic regroupments (poggala-pariyatta) are of seven kinds: they may take place in four bodies (the earthly body, the body of transposition, the fiery and the karmic bodies: orāliya-poggala-pariyaţta etc.), in the inner sense (maņa-p.-p.), in speech (vai-p.-p.) and in breathing (āņā-pāņu-p.-p.). All seven kinds of regroupments are found in HAMG. Each kind has already taken place o times in each species taken as a whole as well as in every single being. As for the future each kind will again take place o times in each of the species and it may again take place (kassai atthi kassai n'atthi) one up to o times in every single being. The tex further discusses the past and future occurring of the seven kinds of atomic regroupment within the present form of existence as well as within other forms of existence of every single being: ega-m-egassa neraiyassa neraiyatte and ega-m-egassa ner aiyassa pudhavi-kāiyatte ... .
sähanaņā-bheya: cf. samghāta-bhedebhya utpadyante [skandhah] and bhedad anuh, Tattv. V 26-27.-The seven kinds of poggala-pariyatta are also mentioned in Thāņa 158a.--kassai atthi (scil. orāliya- etc. poggala-pariyatte) kassai n' atthi means that the regroupment in question may but not necessarily will take place, according to Abhay, it will with beings that are incapable of or that are still far away from salvation (dūra-bhavyasyâbhavyasya vă) but it will not with beings that have reached the human stage of existence and will attain liberation after x orį rebirths, all this because of the infinitely long duration of such an atomic regroupment (ananta-kāla-püryatvāt tasyêti). Abhay. obviously here thinks of poggala-pariyatta in the sense of 'longest subdivision of measured time', cf. XII 4° [2] and XXV 52: one p.-p. = 0 osappinis + ussappiņis (thus read in Lehre p. 91, n. 2).
(569a) [1] The atomic regroupment taking place in e.g. the earthly body is a process in which the matters concerned in the activity of that body (orāliya-sarīra-paogāim davvõim) are absorbed and more or less integrated (gahiyāim baddhāim putthāim kadāim patthaviyāim nivitthāim abhiņivitthāim abhisamannāgayāim pariyāiyāim), changed (pariņāmiyāim) and annihilated or expelled (nijjinnāim nisiriyāim nisitthāim) by the soul that inhabits that earthly body (jīvena 0.-sarīre vattamānena) in order to build up that body (0.-sarīrattāe). [2] The accomplishment of each of the seven kinds of atomic regroupment takes on
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