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hurt each other (ābāham vā ... chavicchedam (cf. V 49] karenti) no more than the looks of a thousand spectators hurt a dancing girl or the dancing girl hurts these looks or the looks hurt each other.
4 (527a) The relative number of soul-units (jīva-paesa) in each space-unit of the world (logassa ... egammi āgāsa-paese). * *
Abhay. quotes and explains thirty-six Prākrit urddhôkta-gāthās, the socalled Nigoyachattisi (Nigoda şaţtrimsikā).
11. KĀLA.
1 (532b) The merchant Sudamsaņa, a layman (samanôvāsaya) living at Vāņiyagāma, questions Mv. in the sanctuary Dūipalāsa near that town.--Time (kāla) may be considered from four points of view scil. as
[1] civil time (pamāna-kāla, lit. measured time), i.e. day and night both of which last four porisīs; (533b) the duration of these porisis depends on the duration of day and night (cf. V 1%): e.g. the diurnal porist has a maximum duration of a = 43 muhūrtas when the moon is at the full in Asādha and a minimum duration of 1 = 3 muhūrtas on the corresponding day in Posa; the diurnal and nocturnal porisīs have the same duration of 1 = 38 muhūrtas when the moon is at the full in Citta and Asoya (: Āśvina);
[2] (534b) the time measuring a being's quantity of life (ah’āunivvatti-kāla);
[3] the time of death (marana-kāla);
[4] abstract time (addhā-kāla), divided in samaya (definition: esa ņam, Sudamsana, addhā dohāra-cchedenam chijjamāṇī jāhe vibhāgam no havvam āgacchai se ttam samae), avaliyā etc. up to ussappiņī, ref. to VI 72; among these subdivisions figure paliovama and sāgarovama, the periods used to calculate the quantity of life of HAMG.
The same ramification of kāla is found in Thāņa 2012.-Although addhā (fem.) is Sanskrit adhvan the comm. also has addhā: addhāh samay'ādayo višeşās tad-rüpah kālo 'ddha-kalah, Abhay.
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