goddesses (d evi) Kāli, Rāi, Rayani, Vijjū (the printed edition has Vijju) and Mehā. But, since each of these has a suite of eight thousand minor goddesses into whom they can magically transform themselves (pabhū ... viuvvittae), he in fact possesses forty thousand wives. However, Camara's enjoyment of this multitude (tudiya) is limited by the fact that these goddesses are charged with the worship of the many bones of Jinas (jinasakahā) that are kept in globular diamond reliquaries (golavaťța-samugga) in a stūpa (ceiya-khambha) in Camara's residence. Camara's enjoyments are of a lofty style (pariyāriddhữe), not just common coition (mehuņa-vattiya).
tudiya = tuļikam näma vargaḥ, Abhay. According to the PSM tudiya (truțita) and tudiy'anga (truțitânga) denote the number 8.400.000. In the sequel the same term is used for the different numbers of goddesses attending on the gods. The description of the relics reminds one of Rāyap. 876 and 94a referred to in Lehre par. 25 where Viy. 502b is not mentioned.-pariyara == paricáraḥ: paricāraṇā sa cêha stri-sabda-śravaņa-rüpa-samdarśan'ādi-rüpah; iddhi = yddhiḥ : sampat, Abhay.
b (503b) The same as a above for Camara's logapālas, the other Bhavaņavāsi, Vāṇamantara, Joisiya (ref. to Jiv. 383a) and Vemāņiya gods and their logapālas. **
All the details regarding the wives (number and names of the agga-mahisis, number of the goddesses attending on them) and courts (ref. to Viy. III-IV and to Suriyābha in Rāyap.) of the gods need not be repeated here since they are identical with those recorded by KIRFEL from Thāņa, Jiv. and Lokaprakāśa, see Kosmographie p. 265 seq., 274, 284 and 303 seqq. I noted the following rather unimportant divergences: Ilā, Sukkā, Sadārā for Alä, Sakkā, Sateră (0.c., p. 265) and Seya for Sāi or Sui (ibid., p. 304); for Vasumai (ibid., p. 274) our text has Paumävai.
(506b) Goy. questions My, on the residence (s a bhā) and the splendour (iddhi) of Sakka, the inda of the southern lowest heaven; ref. to the god Sūriyābha in Rāyap. 59a (one gāhā in the text). * *
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