at the moment of being reborn nor after that moment. But they experience (padisamveei) that āuya only at the moment of rebirth and afterwards. Before and during the process of rebirth their perception may be strong (mahā-veyana) or faint (appa-v.), but after rebirth it is strong and except on one occasion (ähacca) [namely when they are again reborn]-uniformly unhappy (eganta-dukkha) with H and uniformly happy (eganta-sāya) with G. AM experience happiness and unhappiness alternately (vemāyāe).
For the meaning of āhacca cf. the half gāhā quoted by Abhay. in his comm. on VI 10%. In his comm. on VII 61 he explains it as follows: H experience happiness when the hell-warders etc. are absent, G experience unhappiness when they come in for blows and the like!
2 (304b) Beings (HAMG) are aņābhoga-nivvattiy'āuya, not ābh.-n.-ā.: they acquire a certain āuya without being aware of it.
For (an)ābhoga cf. also XXV 611) and 72a; for o-nivvattiy’āuya cf. VI 4. 3a (304b) By [the eighteen sins (see I 9') scil. by] injury of living beings (pāņãivāya) up to false belief (micchādamsana-salla) souls (HAMG) produce karman that will be experienced as suffering (kakkasa-veyanijja); by abstinence from these sins souls (only M) produce karman that will be experienced without suffering (akakkasa-v.).
Cf. Lehre par. 167. To illustrate karkasa- and akarkasa-vedaniya Abhay. refers to such cases as the ācārya Skandaka and Bharata resp.
3b (304b) By compassion (aņukampā) on all living beings and by not afflicting (adukkhanayā) them souls (HAMG) produce karman that will be experienced in a pleasant way (sāyā-veyanijja), by the reverse karman that will be experienced in an unpleasant way (assāyā-v.) is produced.
4 (305a) = Jambudd. 164a: description of the conditions (āgāra-bhāva-padoyāra) of Bharaha vāsa and (307a) of man in the very worst epoch (dusama-dusamā) of the present osappini. * *
Cf. VI 79, the pendant on susama-susamā; cf. also Lehre par. 120.Vedhas.
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