JAINA MONASTIC JURISPRUDENCE versa ; helping in taking out a grounded boat; working as a helmsman; getting into a boat which is going up or down the stream; pulling or stopping the boat by a rope; taking out water from the boat by either a pot or an alms-bowl or an earthen vessel; covering the hole in the boat by means of hand, foot, leaves and bamboo in order to stop water getting in; accepting food in the boat - c.p.u.
- Nis. XVIII, 1-20. (3) touring during regular rains - c.p.a.
— Nis. X, 40-43. (4) frequently entering into or coming out of ini
mical, anarchical or rebellion-infected regions, or approving of anybody else doing so — c.p.a.
— Nis. XI, 71; Kalp. I, 38. (4a) one who wandered alone and condemned the law of the Jina — mūla.
- Angd. VII, 55, comm. (5) if out of attachment for a place, a party of
monks stays there for more than eleven days, then pārāñcika.
- Bệh.kalp.bhā. II, 1555-59. (6) if a gītārtha wandered alone - caturlaghu. (7) if an agitārtha wandered alone — caturguru.
- Byh.kalp.bhā. I, 694-5. (8) for touring with a heretical nun in a woman's
dress at day time — laghukaccheda (9) - do — with an eunuch — gurukaccheda 10) — do - at night — müla (11) - do with a Jaina nun at day -- anavasthāpya. (12) — do — with a Jaina nun at night --- pārāñcika.
- Bệh.kalp.bhā., II, 886-88. (13) resorting to a short cut by day - māsalaghu (14) — do - at night — māsaguru (15) walking carelessly at day — māsalaghu (16) – do ---- at night - māsaguru
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