1) Samayasāra, Prakrit text with English translation by A. Chakravarti,
Bharatiya Jnanapitha, Banaras, 1950; Prakrit text, and the Atmakhyātifikā of Amstacandra Sūri with a Marathi translation by D. H. Bhore, Shri Mahavira Jnanopasana Samiti, Karanja, 1968. There also exists a separate edition of the Samayasāra kalaša, with Hindi translation, by
Phoolchandra Siddhantashastri, Songadh, 1966. 2) Tattvārthasāra, text with Hindi translation by Pannalal Sahityacharya,
Shri Ganeshprasad Varni Granthamala, Banaras, 1970. 3) Puruşārthasiddhyupāya, text with English translation by Ajita Prasad, The
Sacred Books of the Jainas, Vol. IV, 1933. 4) Pañcastikāyasargrahaḥ, Prakrit text with the Samayadipikāļikā, Digam
bara Jain Svadhyaya Mandir Trust, Songadh, 1953. 5) Pravacanasāra, Prakrit text with the Tattvadipika of Amstacandra and the
Tātparyavrtti-tikā of Jayasena, edited by A. N. Upadhye, Rajacandra
Jain Shastramala, Agas, 1964. 6) “sakti-bhanita" corresponds to "sakti-samsūcita", an expression appearing
in the colophons of Amộtacandra's commentaries on the Pañcâstikāya and the Samayasāra: svaśaktisamsūcitavastutattvair
vyākhyā kļteyam samayasya śabdaih/ 7) iti śrīmad Amstacandrasūriņām křtiḥ puruşārthasiddhyupāyo 'para nāma
Jinapravacanarahasyakoşaḥ samāptaḥ/ (p. 85). 8) Dramas, for instance, are conspicuously absent in the vast Jaina litera
ture, which consists mainly of Purāṇas and Kāvyas. This is also true
of the Buddhists, who have contributed even less in the field of Purānas. 9) The following verse lists six miracles that attend a Jina :
aśokavrksah surapuspavrstir divyadhvanis camarabhāsanam ca bhāmandalam dundubhir atapatram şat prātihāryāņi jineśvarāņām//
Nitya-naimittika-pājhávali, Karanja. But these are not considered the true marks of a Jina:
devāgamanabhoyānacāmarādivibhūtayah/ māyāvişv api dpşyante nātas tvam asi no mahān//
Apta-mêmãnsä of Samantabhadra. 10) For the complete text of the Dvātrimśikā (only 21 are extant) sce
Siddhasena's Nyāyāvatāra and Other Works, edited by A. N. Upadhye,
Jaina Sahitya Vikasa Mandala, Bombay, 1971 (pp. 111-169). 11) For the text of the Svayambhū stotra see Nitya-naimittikapāthāvali, pp.
19-44, Shri Kamkubai Pathya-pustakamala, Karanja, 1956. 12) Compare, for instance, the following lines from the Svayambhū-stotra:
svayambhuvā bhūtahitena bhūtale (1), yataś ca śeşeşu mateşu nāsti
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