when seen as (an) internalized (object), it always appears as (if totally) immersed in your (self). O Master! You shine forth as one whose wonderful splendour has blissfully pervaded the very ends of this universe. The nature of reality is indeed mysterious! Its greatness is unshakeable, beyond thought, innately wondrous! (15) [590]
स्वान्तः कुड्मलितेऽपि केवलकला चक्रेऽक्रमव्यापिनि
fiscaisygiafa-aufguı «ìsů wang mæð í लीनस्य स्वमहिम्नि यस्य सफलानन्तत्रिकालावली
पूजाश्रद् ( पुष्पस्रग्) मकरन्दबिन्दुकलिकाश्रेणिश्रियं गाहते ।। १६ ।
sväntaḥ kuḍmalite 'pi kevalakalā cakre 'kramavyäpint kriḍatkroḍagṛhîtaviśvamahimā ko 'yam bhavan bhāsate | linasya svamahimni yasya sakalānantatrikālāvalī
pūjāśrad (puspasrag)makarandabindukalikāṣreṇisriyam
gāhate ||16||
The collected rays of your omniscience are restrained within the self, and yet at the same time rest in the grandeur which comprehends everything simultaneously. The totality of the infinite rows of (objects in the) three times appears to you (as having) beauty (like that) of the manifold particles of pollen which fall from a flower; and the grandeur of this active world is held, as it were, within your "lap" (i.e. reflected in your knowledge). Who are you, (to be able to encompass everything) in this way?! (16) [591]
gåegrafa 719cc8nuz: qåzamıunfa at
नैवान्या स्थितिरस्ति सन्ततभवत् पूर्वापरीभावतः । दूरोद्गच्छदनन्तचिद्धनरसप्राग्भाररम्योदय
*a factsfa farið canfgrænafarmem: 11 2011
pūrvas cumbati näparatvam aparaḥ pūrvatvam āyāti no naivānyā sthitir asti santatabhavat pūrvāparîbhāvataḥ | dūrodgacchad anantacidghanarasaprāgbhāraramyodayas
tvam nityo 'pi vivarttase svamahimavyāptatrikālakramaḥ
Jain Education International
The prior (mode) does not touch the later (mode), and the later does not become the prior. There is no condition possible for things in a stream other than "first" (followed by) "next" without (actual) contact between them. But you undergo transformations while remaining eternal (i.e. there is continuity between prior and later in you). Pervaded with greatness, you encompass the sequence of three times; you arise gloriously in (all your modes), within the context of a tremendous force of overwhelming
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