nothing but shining forth in an endless becoming of existence, is (in fact) a reality, the destruction and production are realities as well. (9) [534] ga: scarafaqaf AT SIHAT
राक्रान्तोऽपि स्फुरसि भगवंस्त्वं सदा भाव एव । एकोऽपि त्वं प्रसभमभितः प्रागभावाद्यभाव
भिन्नः स्वामिन् ! कृतपरिणति सि रूपश्चतुर्भिः ॥१०॥
ekah ko 'py askhalitamahimā prāgabhāvād yabhāvair
ākrānto 'pi sphurasi bhagavams tvam sadā bhāva eva/ eko 'pi tvam prasabham abhitaḥ prāgabhāvādyabhāvair
bhinnaḥ svāmin krtapariņatir bhāsi rūpais caturbhiḥ 1/10/1
O Blessed One! You are indeed one whose grandeur remains undiminished, for although “overcome" (i.e. qualified) by the (four absences, namely) anterior non-existence, etc., (with reference to modes), you (nevertheless) always shine forth as embodying) existence (with reference to substance). O Master! Although you are One, you are on all sides forcefully differentiated by (the four absences), anterior non-existence, etc., and thus you shine forth, having undergone modifications in accord with those (four). (10) (535)
पूर्णः पूर्णो भवति नियतं रिक्त एवास्ति रिक्तो
रिक्तः पूर्णस्त्वमसि भगवन् ! पूर्ण एवासि रिक्तः । यल्लोकानां प्रकट मह ते तत्त्वघातोद्यतं तद्
यन्नेतृत्वं किमपि न हि तल्लोकदृष्टं प्रमाटि ॥११॥
pürnah pūrno bhavati niyatam rikta evästi rikto
riktaḥ pürņas tvam asi bhagavān pūrņa eväsi riktaḥ / yal lokānām prakasam iha te tattvaghātodyatam tad
yan netstvam kim api na hi tal lokadrstanı pramārsti //11//
O Blessed One! (That which is complete (with regard to its own substance, space, time, and modes) is always complete i.e. innate aspects cannot be lost. And that which is) empty (of the aspects of others) is always cmpty (of them, i.e. the aspects of others cannot be acquired). Although empty (of mundane states), you are complete (with your own self); and although (thus) complete, you are at the same time) empty. That which is known to ordinary people (as being desirable, namely worldly things), is, for you, destructive to the true nature of the self (i.e. not conducive to liberation). And the leadership (i.e. the role of teacher, which has been bestowed upon you), does not consist in your) negating (the reality of) that which is known
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