[ वंशस्थवृत्तम् ]
gfargararafugayaat fazeazteaqqqqqqy विमोहयन्त्योऽन्यमनन्यगोचराः स्फुरन्त्यनन्तास्तव तत्त्वभूमयः ॥ १ ॥
nirantarotsarpam uparyupary abhūḥ |
vimohayantyo 'nyam ananyagocarāḥ
sphuranty anantās tava tattvabhūmayaḥ ||1||
The infinite powers through which your true nature is manifest are not to be found in anyone else. These (powers) cause great astonishment (to those who witness them); they became evident as you reached higher and higher (states), constantly rising due to that purity of soul which is the result of reaching the limits of freedom from all chaff (i.e. from all karmas). (1) [501]
यदि स्वयं नान्त्यविशेषतां व्रजेस्तदा न सामान्यमिदं तवादिमम् । स्थिताः स्वशक्त्योभयतोऽपि धावतस्तवेत्यनन्ताः परिणाम भूमिकाः ॥ २ ॥
yadi svayam nāntyaviseṣatām vrajes
tadā na sāmānyam idam tavādimam | sthitaḥ svaśaktyobhayato 'pi dhāvatas
tavety anantāḥ pariṇāmabhūmikāḥ ||2||
(From the point of view of modes), you attain to the final (mundane) particular, (namely arhatship) and yet do not come to the end of your modes. And at the same time, (from the point of view of substance), your universal (i.e. substance) is without beginning. Thus, you possess infinite states of being, by way of your innate power which operates both as universal (i.e. substance) and particular (i.e. modes). (2) [502]
Jain Education International
अखण्डितद्रव्यतया त्वमेकतामुपैषि पर्यायमुखादनेकताम् । त्वमेव देवान्तिमपर्ययात्मना सुनिस्तुषांश: परमोऽवभाससे ।। ३ ।।
akhaṇḍitadravyatayā tvam ekatām
upaiși paryayamukhād anekatām | tvam eva devantimaparyayātmanā
sunistuṣāmśaḥ paramo 'vabhāsase ||3||
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