श्रीमदमृतचन्द्रविरचित: विधिवद् दधती स्ववैभवाद् विधिरूपेण निषेधमप्यसौ। परिशुद्धचिदेकनिर्भरा तव केनात्र विभा निषिध्यते ॥२१॥ vidhivad dadhati svavaibhavād vidhirūpena niședham apy asau /
parisuddhacidekanirbharā tava kenātra vibhā nişidhyate //21// The light of your (omniscience), in conformity with the law (i.e. with the nature of reality), and (operating only) through its own majesty, bears the negative aspects just as it does) the positive aspects. It is complete with the one, unified pure consciousness; who in the world can suppress this light? (21) [471]
अभितः स्फुटितस्वभावया च्युतदिक्कालविभागमेकया। विभया भवतः समन्ततो जिन! सम्पूर्णमिदं विभाव्यते ॥२२॥
abhitaḥ sphuțitasvabhāvayā cyutadikkālavibhāgam ekayā / vibhayā bhavataḥ samantato jina sampurnam idam vibhavyate //22/1
OJina! This whole (universe) is seen by the unified light (of your omniscience) as free from divisions of time and space (i.e. you comprehend it entirely and simultaneously); this light has manifested its true nature (i.e. it has illuminated all objects). (22) [472]
न खलु स्वपरप्रकाशने मृगयेतात्र विभा विभान्तरम् । भवतो विभयव धीमतः क्रमतः कृत्स्नमिदं प्रकाशते ॥२३॥
na khalu svaparaprakāšane mrgayetātra vibhā vibhāntaram / bhavato vibhayaiva dhimataḥ kramatah krtsnam idam prakāśatel/23/1
Indeed, in this world, in the matter of illuminating oneself and others, the light (of omniscience) does not search for another light (i.e. it is self-illuminating). This entire universe is illuminated in (all its) scquentialities by that very light with which you are endowed (i.e. the light by which you know yourself). (23) [473]
अनया विरचन्ति नित्यशो जिन ये प्रत्ययमात्रसत्तया । सकलं प्रतियन्ति ते स्वयं न हि बोधप्रतिबोधकः क्वचित् ॥२४॥
anayā vicarantt nityaso jina ye pratyayamātrasattayā / sakalam pratiyanti te svayam na hi bodhapratibodhakah k vacit //24//
0 Jina! Those who constantly abide by (i.e. who accept the doctrine of) this (light of omniscience, a light) which exists merely as cognition, will themselves begin to realize that in truth there is no illuminator of knowledge (other than that knowledge itself). (24) [474]
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