Your attributes, such as absence-of-insentience [ajada], etc., serve to distinguish you from other (substance, but they are) not (thereby established as distinct) from your self This is because you always remain in your own-nature, which is completely filled with the extraordinary qualities (that distinguish you from others), and (yet) is unified. (11) [461]
अजाद्यविभागतः स्थितस्तव भावोऽयमनंश एककः । अजडाद्यविभागभावनादनुभूतिं समुपैति नान्यथा ॥ १२ ॥
ajaḍādyavibhāgataḥ sthitas tava bhāvo 'yam anamsa ekakaḥ | ajaḍādyavibhāgabhāvanād anubhūtim samupaiti nānyathā ||12||
Such attributes as absence-of-insentience, etc., do not divide your unitary, partless substance, (which is) called the soul. And only by constant reflection upon (the fact that) your soul is not divided by (possessing) such attributes as absence-of-insentience, etc., do you arrive at self-realization; in no other way (can this be achieved, i.e. self-realization is not compatible with doctrines which advocate either complete identity or total distinction between substance and attributes). (12) [462]
भवनं भवतो निरङकुशं सकला माष्टि सकारकाः क्रियाः । भवनं द्वयतामवाप्यते क्रियया नैव न कारकैरपि ॥१३॥
bhavanam bhavato nirankusam sakalā mārsti sakārakāḥ kriyāḥ | bhavanam dvayatām avāpyate kriyayā naiva na kārakair api ||13||
(Seen from the absolute point of view, which asserts the independence of the material cause [upādāna-karaṇa] in effecting change within a substance), your becoming (i.e. your transformations into new modes) is unimpeded (by dependence upon external (i.e. material) causes [nimitta-kāraṇa]; it (i.e. this process of becoming) wipes away all actions, together with there instrumentalities (i.e. there is no distinction of agent, action, etc., within you. Thus), your becoming cannot be made to attain to duality (of agent, action, etc.) either by action or by the instrumentalities, (since both of these occur within the substance itself). (13) [463]
भवने भवतो निरङकुशे क्व लसेत् कारणकार्यविस्तरः ।
न किलाभवनं करोति तत् क्रियतेऽत्राभवनं च तेन न ॥ १४ ॥
bhavane bhavato nirankuse kva laset käraṇakaryavistaraḥ | na kilābhavanam karoti tat kriyate 'trabhavanam ca tena na ||14|| Since, (from the non-conventional point of view which disregards dependence of one substance upon another), your becoming (i.e. change of modes) is
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