[ अनुष्टप् छन्दः ]
इयं द्राघीयसी सम्यक्परिणाममभीप्सता । भवतात्मवता देव क्षपिता मोहयामिनी ॥ १ ॥
iyam draghiyasi samyakpariņāmam abhîpsatā | bhavatātmavatā deva ksapitā mohayāminī || 1 ||
O Lord! Desirous of obtaining the proper (i.e. innate) transformation (i.e. mode of the soul), and being one (with the knowledge of the self), you have brought this very long night of delusion to an end. (1) [251]
सुविशुद्धैश्चिदुद्गारैर्जी र्णमाख्यासि कश्मलम् ।
अज्ञानादतिरागेण यद्विरुद्धं पुराहृतम् ॥ २ ॥
suviśuddhaiś cidudgārair jîrṇam ākhyāsi kaśmalam | ajñānād atirāgena yad viruddham purāhytam || 2 ||
You preach that all the evil, contrary (to the nature of the soul), that has been previously accumulated through ignorance and excessive attachment, is destroyed by extremely pure flashes of consciousness. (2) [252]
दीप्रः प्रार्थयते विश्वं बोधाग्निरयमञ्जसा ।
त्वं तु मात्राविशेषज्ञस्तावदेव प्रयच्छसि ॥ ३ ॥
dipraḥ prarthayate viśvam bodhāgnir ayam añjasā | tvam tu mātrāviśesajñas tāvad eva prayacchasi || 3 ||
This “fire” of knowledge indeed seeks (to “burn " ) the entire universe (by knowing it). But you, knowing the measure (of what is worth knowing, namely the true nature of the self), give only that much to this (knowledge) to cognize (3) [253]
बोधाग्निरिन्धनीकुर्वन् विश्व विश्वमयं तव । स्वधातुपोषमे [ i ] कं तनुते तनुविक्रियाम् ॥ ४॥
bodhagnir indhanîkurvan viśvam viśvamayam tava | svadhātuposam e[kai]kam tanute tanuvikriyām || 4 ||
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