When your light, which is nothing but all-pervading, eternally perfect self-experience, shines forth here in the samavasarana), no one can obstruct my (experience of the pure self, for I am then) on every side free from afflictions. (10) [235]
चित्तेजसा साकमनादिमग्नचित्तेजसोन्मज्जसि शा(सा)कमेव । न जातुचिन्मुञ्चसि चण्डरोचिः स्फुरत्तडित्पुञ्ज इवात्मधाम ॥११॥ cittejasā sākam anādimagna
cittejasonmajjasi s(s)ākam eva / na jätucin muñcasi candarocih
sphurat tadit puñja ivātmadhāma 1/11//
From beginningless time, you, along with the light of (your) pure consciousness, were immersed i.e. covered by karmas. But now) you, along with the light of (your) pure consciousness, are made manifest. Your splendour is intense (like that of the sun); you never abandon the brilliance of your self, which is like a mass of lightning flashes. (11) [236]
समन्ततः सौरभमातनोति तवेष चिच्छक्तिविकासहासः । कस्याप्यमुञ्चिन्मकरन्दपानलौल्येन धन्यस्य दृशो विशन्ति ॥१२॥
samantataḥ saurabham ätanoti
tavaișa cicchaktivikāsahāsaḥ / kasyāpy amuñcinmakarandapāna
laulyena dhanyasya dụso visanti ||12|| Your smile, arising through the expansion of the power of consciousness, spreads fragrance on every side. But the perceptions only of those fortunate ones who are longing to drink the nectar of consciousness enter this (fragrance). (12) [237]
त्वमेक एवैकरसस्वभावः सुनिर्भरः स्वानुभवेन कामम् । अखण्डचित्पिण्डविपिण्डितश्रीविगाहसे सैन्धवखिल्यलीलाम् ॥१३॥ tvam eka evaikarasasvabhāvah
sunirbharaḥ svānubhavena kāmam / akhandacitpindavipinditaśrîr
vigāhase saindhavakhilyalılām 1/13/1 Your nature partakes of only one character, and you are fully completed by your own experience (i. e. you experience nothing but the self). Your splendour (knowledge, energy, etc.) is united with a mass of undivided consciousness. On your own you attain to (unity of character like that of) the flavour of a piece of rock-salt (i. e. tasting the same throughout). (13) [238]
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