The 3rd is still legs destructive. It is called partially des tructive (Deshaghati). In this, right belief is not destroyed, but only slightly clouded by wrong belief.
दहिगुडमिव वामिस्सं पुहभावं णेव कारिदुं सकं । एवं मिस्सयभावो सम्मामिच्छोत्तिणादव्वो ॥ २२॥ . दधिगुडमिव व्यामिश्रं पृथग्भावं नैव कर्तुं शक्यम् । एवं मिश्रकभावः सम्यग्मिथ्यात्वमिति ज्ञातव्यम् ॥ २२ ॥
22. The (mixed) thought-activity can in no way be split up into its two parts right and wrong belief), as (taste of) mixed curd and treacle (cannot be referred separately to curd or sugar). The thought activity mixed like this should be known to be the mixed (Saymaktva Mithyátva stage).
सो संजमंण गिण्हदि देसजमं वा ण बंधदे आउं । सम्म वा मिच्छं वा पडिवज्जिय मरदि णियमेण ॥ २३॥ स संयमं न गृह्णाति देशयमं वा न बध्नाति आयुः । सम्यक्त्वं वा मिथ्यात्वं वा प्रतिपद्य म्रियते नियमेन ॥ २३ ॥
28. One (in this stage) adopts neither control (samyama i. e., the vows of the saint) nor partial control (Desha Samyama, i. e., partial vows of the layman), nor does (one) bind the age (Ayuh Karmic matter to oneself); and necessarily one dies having acquired right belief or wrong belief.
सम्मत्तमिच्छपरिणामेसु जहिं आउगं पुरा बद्धं । तहिं मरणं मरणंत समुग्धादो वि य ण मिस्सम्मि॥२४॥ सम्यक्त्वमिथ्यात्वपरिणामेषु यत्रायुष्कं पुरा बद्धम् । तत्र मरणं मरणान्तसमुद्घातोपि च न मिश्रे ॥ २४ ॥
24. Wherever, in the right or wrong-belief thoughtactivities, he has already bound to himself the age Karma (of his next incarnation), there (alone will be his), death;
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