11. The Máhákalpa-sanjnaka-Prakírnaka gives an account of the rules of ascetic practices(Yoga)in the three ages (past), present, and future) that are suitable to Jina-kalpin (independent) monks, with reference to body, etc., and in accordance with the substance, place, time, and nature or condition and also an account of the rules of conduct of Sthavira kalpin monks (members of orders), relating to initiation, teaching, maintaining ascetics, self purification, and sal-lekhaná (pious death) and high forms of worship performed in sacred places.
12. The pundarika-prakirnaka gives details of charity, worship, austerity, belief, self-control, etc., that lead the soul to incarnation in one of the four classes of celestials; also an account of the birthplaces of the celestials.
13. The Mahá -pundaríka-prakírnaka gives details of the causes, austerity, etc. that lead to a soul being reborn as Indra, Pratindra, etc.
14. The Nishidi ká-prakírnaka gives many methods of purifying oneself from the faults arising from carelessness.
The Jaina Theory of Numbers.
The other way of gaining some slight and distant idea of Omniscience is to consider the Jaina Theory of Numbers.
Brief Statement of 21 kinds of numbers.
Names of the numbers. Their Algebraical expressions.
I. SAMKHYATA.(S.) 1. Jaghanya S.
2. Madhyama S.
B=3, 4 upto C-1.
6. Utkrista Parítá A.... FG-1
7. Jaghanya Yuktá A....G DD
Jain Education International
...A 2
&c., B-3, 4, 5 to D-2.
3. Utkrishta S.
II. ASAMKHYATA (A). 4. Jaghanya Paritá A.
D-(See below) D (See below)
5. Madhyama Parítá A. E-D + 1 to E-D + 1 to
...FDD-1 GDD
For Private & Personal Use Only
E. G. number of instants in an Ávalí or wink.